More old people. Love this song. I also like the real ale, homemade bread vibe.
Maddy Prior has a fantastic voice, she appears fully present, fully herself, strong, dignified, powerful, and isn't dancing about in dreaded 'granny at a wedding' fashion.
This is a splendid song, splendidly performed, on the theme of ageing. Short and concise. Unfortunately only available if you click through to Youtube, because of the sweary words presumably. How fucking stupid is that. You can watch 'pron' of every possible variety, practically anywhere (which we are led to believe is all fine and dandy - reader, for a number of reasons, it isn't, and I may write about why, later) but you can't listen to the words of a song.
Anyway. I recommend that you do listen to it. I've been worrying about my shit getting fucked up i.e. the implications of ageing for about, hmmmm....maybe twelve or thirteen years. I started worrying when I really didn't need to. I thought I was old, but I wasn't, I was merely middle-aged. Now I've crossed a line where I really am pretty old, it's a different game altogether now and I worry far less about the fucked up shit than I did back then. Because I'm still here and I appreciate how lucky I am to have made it this far without falling off the ledge.
Life is so weird. Gloriously so. I try to live in the moment and I feel blessed to be alive.