Showing posts with label sanity claws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sanity claws. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Black Bun - the scourge of Scotland

Geoffrey and I have been arguing over which special comestibles to get in over the Festive.
As long-term readers will know, the "Big Day" Hereabouts is the Solstice rather than December 25th which we see as mere southern jiggerypokery and up-their-ain-bumness.
Yes, we celebrate the sun's nadir and the total dearth of sunlight and warmth and cheer with as much glee as we can muster - which isn't that much if I'm totally honest.
Geoffrey reckons we should try to obtain some "Black Bun".
"I really fancy a slice of Black Bun," he said. He sounded enthusiastic enough but I could still sense an element of doubt in his tone.
"I haven't laid eyes on a Black Bun since 1978," I countered. "And I can't say I'm all that sorry. As I remember, I burst a filling on the last slice I attempted. It seemed to be full of low grade gravel. And it tasted like something that came out of a dog's behind. So I can't see the attraction, quite frankly."
"I don't care," he pouted." I'm going out to search for some right now."
"Knock yourself out," I said, reaching for my pipe. "I'll keep an eye on your online Heartache Removal Service till you get back..."

Thursday, 8 January 2009

what an insult

It gets worse and worse. I'm starting to feel paranoid and defensive again, and not without good reason. Readers will remember that I was voted "most unpopular" in the solstice poll - though I managed to survive the resulting solstice seige unscathed - physically unscathed, that is, as it will take aeons for the mental scars to heal, if ever - well, I was only just managing to sleep nights after that debacle, when I was informed that baby orca has put a bounty on my head - as mentioned in my last post. I assumed that "bounty" meant "price" or "reward" i.e. a very large sum of money for my head on a plate. But no. Apparently he really is offering a Bounty, as in bar. I can only hope it's the full double bar, not just the half, and that it's a real Bounty, not the supermarket own brand coconut-style bar. Though if he was offering a multi-pack I might be tempted myself.
I'm now attempting to do a review of the year. It's been fairly eventful. Highlights include: time travelling to "over there"; setting sail in my old coracle; being swallowed up by a whale, and escaping by being belched out; being swallowed up again by same whale, and escaping by blowing whale up by setting light to anal emission from Highland cow; wandering as an outcast through the mist; being locked in the dungeon of the chateau d'If with the man in the iron mask; being attacked in my own home by Dr "I hate him" Wilson and my own nephew, Tuppence; seeeing my own home being blown to smithereens; being voted least popular; and now, I've got a bounty on my head.
On the up side, Geoffrey has been a staunch friend most of the time - although his loyalty was sorely tested after I ate Captain Scott's last biscuit - as has the Tupfinder general, and we have enjoyed the Fulmar's hospitality/BBQs/Xmas fare more often than we deserve, given how much we slag them off behind their backs. I also salvaged my wooly socks and non-slip soled slippers after Tuppence robbed Sanity Claws. So, I must be thankful for small mercies.
Some snowdrops are beginning to raise their little heads in the outcrop garden - what will the coming Springtime bring, and will I last that long?

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Well, the weather's calmed down a bit and so have I, now that the immediate threat to my person has passed. This is because I managed to survive Solstice night. According to custom Hereabouts, if a person gets through the night without being seized, then the sentence is null and void, and life goes on as normal. Normal! how can I live a normal life, knowing that the entire community has voted me least popular person? I suppose I just have to count my blessings, and appreciate good friends like Geoffrey. Nevertheless, I shall always be wondering what is really going on behind the mask of civility.
Geoffrey and I have sent off our letters to Sanity Claws. He usually pays us a visit Christmas Eve, but he's a strange character and one can never be sure quite what to expect. He doesn't bother trying to squeeze himself down chimneys these days, and just thumps on the door shouting "I'm gagging on a madeira" or some such, then barges in and flings himself on the settee in a melodramatic fashion. I wouldn't mind, but more often than not he gets all the presents mixed up, or fails to bring anything at all - we're last on his list, Hereabouts, so we often end up receiving the oddest conglomeration of items. Sanity says the rest of the leftover stuff goes on Ebay.
Anyway, we'll see what this evening brings. Geoffrey and I will be relaxing by the fire before the rigours of the forthcoming social whirl - Fulmars tomorrow, Tupfinders on Boxing Day.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

draft letter to sanity claws

Dear Sanity,
Please may I have the following or as much of the following as you can manage.
Twelve crates Duke of Clarence style madeira, industrial strength - or equiv. in butts. (year's supply)
7 x 52 Fisher and Donaldson steak pies to be delivered on daily basis so as to avoid staleness
7 x 52 Fisher and Donaldson fudge dough nuts - to be delivered as above
12 crates of korn bif
12 crates luncheon meat
12 boxes "Black Bogey" pipe tobacco
replacement Meerschaum pipe
12 boxes ammunition for muskets - you never know
new set of muskets - again, you never know
2 prs. wooly socks
2 prs slippers - non-slip soles
If you bring me the food part, I won't have to stoop to using supplies stolen from the smuggler's tunnels. Which can only be of benefit to the wholoe community and reduce risk of me being voted "most unpopular" again next year.
Much obliged! Will leave usual sustenance by the grate.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

spockfingers enigma

"O-o-o-o-o-h holey na-a-aaa-a-aaaa-ah-h-h-ht, the stars aa-ahrr sweetleee-e shi-i-inin'..tis the na-a-a-a-a-ah-h-h-h-ht uv wur deer sayvyur's burf...."

Or something like that. Anyway Spockfingers is giving it - as they say - laldy. Again. He will be joining us for the festivities, along with his alter ego, Burnsey. Perhaps we'll finally discover the truth - are Burnsey and Mr Spockfingers one and the same?

I'd intended buying Geoffrey's stocking fillers today, but the weather is atrocious - high winds and sleety rain. I won't venture out in that, and might have to resort to making something for him from bits and pieces. I can't rely on the monkey nuts this year - he'd never forgive me. I suppose I'd better get something for the Tupfinder generals, and the Fulmars, but can't for the life of me think what. I've also still to write my own letter to Sanity Claws, and it's getting awfully late. I must say things won't be the same without Tuppence being here. No doubt he'll be celebrating in the moral cess-pool of the Infra Inn, along with the rats. I just hope that he doesn't turn up here in a bad mood...