Showing posts with label sweetie of the week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sweetie of the week. Show all posts

Monday, 15 August 2011

Gravy of the week - Bisto beef.

This week's featured gravy is Bisto (beef flavour).
It's extremely tasty.
Why sweat over a pan? That's never a pleasant thing to do under any circumstances.
Simply Boil a kettle and make Bisto! Then pour it over your spuds or chips or sausages or all three - and if there's any left in the jug just drink it for afters.
Then get one of these blood pressure-o-meters and marvel as the needle zooms to undreamt of heights.
Not that I'm saying that there is a connection between Bisto, salt levels, and high blood pressure - no. Not at all. Bisto is a tasty beverage-cum-condiment and an asset to any gourmet's kitchen.