#"Well sheez all yood ever wan' sheez god stahl sheez god grace sheez a winner"# I began, clicking my fingers and standing up in the liferaft.
"Stop it Tuppy!" commanded the T-G. "You'll capsize us. Sit the frig DOWN. Besides, you're doing it all wrong. It goes like THIS.
(he coughed)
#Well sheez all yood evva wan' sheez the kahnd yood lahk to flaunt an' take to DINner#"
"NO NO NO NO NO!" boomed a voice from nearby. "YOU'VE got it wrong an' all."
"Who the frig's that?" I muttered. "Oh my God. It's Spockfingers. He must have..."
"Yes! I've survived the blast and here I am large as life and twice as nasty. You lot are pants at Tom Jones. Here's how it SHOULD be sung." Spockfingers approached the boat at an impressive rate of knots. Apparently, he was still passing wind, and it was acting like a kind of crude but highly effective and convenient form of jet propulsion, enabling him to not only stay afloat but to travel about in the water at will. He began to circle the boat, singing as only he can sing (see post about me and Spockfingers in the belly of the beast, to find out just how powerful his voice is...)
#"Well sheez all yood evva wan' sheez the kahnd o' burd they'd lahk tae flaunt an' tak' fur CHI-ips
Sheez the kahnd o' burd whit likes her plaice
sheez got salt sheez got broon soss...
Sheez a winner..."#
"Frigging hell. Make him shut up, someone."
#" Shee kin tak' whit ah dish oot an' that's no eezy
She's fine an' breezy...
Her feet R cheezy..."#
"Oh - an' by the way - yooz lot didnae contribute SHIT fur the sick and poorly weans in Africa. Yeez are a bunch o' stingy bastards. Ah'll deal wi yooz la'er. Noo piss aff an' let em feenish ma sang.
#Oh she et ma fish an chips an' removed ma orange pips
Sheez a lady...
wo wo wo
I think that's QUITE enuff of that jist fur the noo. I'll go and shampoo my sporran now.
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