Saturday, 18 August 2012

On the way to Suisnish, Isle of Skye

Top quality vid.,  as usual.  Taken on my recent trip to Skye.  Lovely views over the sea to Rum and Eigg (in the distance) and then the Cuillins and Bla Bheinn.   Scorching hot day - walked about eight miles, no shade, thought I might die of heatstroke, but didn't, obviously.
Walking boots now stink so horribly they will have to be binned.
More photos on way - some glorious ones of the Coral Beaches.
Skye was the inspiration for the original blog;  characters,  terrain, and so forth.  I had a good think when I was there this week, and have come back refreshed and with some pretty good ideas,  which I hope will emerge fully or at least partially-formed, in due course.