Saturday, 30 November 2024

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Nature Boy

Love this.  Another in my age bracket.  I keep looking at people intently to see how they're managing it.

Friday, 15 November 2024

 I was interested to watch The Cure (previous post).  I'm the same age as Robert Smith.  Getting old is strange and I'm curious to know what others are making of it. Are they, like me, trying to find their way across unknown and potentially difficult terrain with dodgy knees?  On the one hand you are thankful to have made it this far, and in reasonable state.  A few aches and pains,  nothing too drastic.  One mustn't grumble when others are falling off the shelf or clinging on by their fingernails.   Could do with a bit more money ('she failed to plan sufficiently for her retirement'), it's been a tough year,  but that's not everything, far from it.  On the other hand you find it difficult.  Odd.  Mind-blowingly so.  Or, a 'challenge', to use a more positive word.   Death lurks round the corner - but then it always does, no matter your age.  You find yourself looking back at former friendships, temporary alliances, such-like, and seeing them afresh, through eyes that have seen and learned a bit more since then.  It doesn't help that I've a tendency to 'over think'.  Or perhaps it does!  Maybe the thing is just to immerse yourself in a vat of brandy or something and just numb it out.  One of these days it'll all be over anyhow.   But I spent far too many years numbing stuff out when I was young and in any case one would like to have managed to figure a few things out before then - a clear head is required. 

I know of people who spend their time going out for lunches and suppers and taking fancy holidays.  I can't do that,  I can't afford to, and also, even if I could I'm not terribly interested in that kind of thing.  I can still read, listen to music and watch films.  Being out of doors is also vital - keeping in contact with the natural world.  None of these things cost anything, thank goodness. 

There's also the tiresome side issue (as far as I'm concerned) of the different approach of many to the ageing female as opposed to the ageing male.  But I'll just park that rusty Vauxhall in a muddy layby for now.

Keep reasonably active, stay interested, don't look too far ahead, keep an open mind.   The lid of the coffin hasn't quite slammed shut, there's still a sliver of light...

Who knows, who knows.  I hope to have a few more adventures yet.  Donald Trump is 78 and he's president of the USA...Joe Biden is 82 and he's - well, perhaps best not pursue that line of thought, it's too weird.  How old is Vladimir Putin again?  Never let it be said that I lack ambition.

My thoughts turning inwards as November grows darker and stormier.