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Thursday 17 July 2008

fishfinger shock

Geoffrey just swooped in again, in an even worse tizz. On top of everything else, he just heard that Somerfield is being taken over by the Co-op. I have to say this puts us in a bit of a bad position viz a viz our regular supply of fishfingers, as we have been accustomed to purchasing these at Somerfield. We have NO idea what the Co-op have in the way of frozen fish products, and it has, in short, thrown us completely.
"Fish fingers at one, tomorrow, then?" I said, unable to disguise the tremor in my voice as I realised it could be the last time we ate THAT type of snack together. A snack - no, far more than a mere snack - it was a ritual. The buttering of the thinly sliced loaf. The shaking of the sauce bottle. The heating of the grill to just the right temperature. Could the Co-op possibly reach the dizzy heights of Somerfield, in the fish finger department?
Geoffrey's reply was lost as he soared towards the sinking sun - but I was sure he'd be there.

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