Wednesday, 13 December 2023
Sunday, 10 December 2023
Roger Waters, Van Morrison, The Band - Comfortably Numb
Thursday, 7 December 2023
Christmas Dread
We were sitting round the fire again. Well, there isn't much else to do at this time of year. It's dark at half past two, rainy, sleety, horrible. Best to tuck a tartan knee rug round, light your pipe, pour yourself a mighty slug of something extremely mind-numbingly powerful and chuck another piece of driftwood on the fire. Maybe find a decent book to read before slipping into a coma.
But I need to go out to work, you say. I can't buy baccy and drink and knee rugs when I've no money. And I have no answer to that. I realise how fortunate we are Hereabouts, with easy access to smuggled goods and lots of driftwood lying about.
'I hate this time of year,' said Dave. 'I just want it to be Spring again.'
'Don't wish your life away Dave. It won't be Spring for four months.'
'Four. I don't count March as a Spring month, it's too brown and cold.'
'What's everyone doing at Christmas anyway,' asked Dave. 'We've got Val's mother coming to stay. I've got to say I'm totally fucking dreading it. She's a joyless old bat with a seriously bossy streak.'
'Commiserations Dave. You're always welcome round here if you need to escape. We won't be doing much. Cracking open a tin of corned beef and sticking a sprig of holly in it.'
'Good to know. I will need to escape, thank you guys. Val's bad enough but her mother's a million times worse. She says I don't do the hoovering and washing up properly, I've to up my game and start rinsing the plates first before washing them in soapy water then rinse them again after. She's always on my back to take the bins out and stuff.'
'Hoovering and washing up?' said Tuppence, aghast. 'Rinsing plates? Dave, you've got to man up! Next she'll have you cleaning the toilet and making the tea for heaven's sake.'
'I know. She's only staying for a few days but after she's gone there's always sort of a hangover effect on Val. It's like she becomes infected by her mother's horrible personality and she starts on at me in a similar manner. Like I can never do anything right at the best of times but it's even more so after her mother's been. Oh well. I'm in for a rough Festive but at least I've still got my wildlife vids. Glass half full guys. Or is it empty. I'm never sure. Anyway, thanks for listening.' He dabbed his nose with the end of his sleeve and sighed heavily.
Geoffrey and I exchanged glances. We both knew what the other was thinking.
We knew what it was like to have a rough Christmas and we weren't about to see a mate go through similar, if it could be avoided.
We were going to give Dave the best Christmas ever.
Next time - we make plans for Dave's best ever Christmas, starting with cracking open two tins of corned beef instead of one
Wednesday, 6 December 2023
Sandwich of the day - corned beef
Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Andrea del Sarto
'Ah but a man's reach should exceed his grasp
Or what's a heaven for?'
This famous quote led me to Browning's poem Andrea del Sarto. There's something about Browning generally that I'm not quite keen on, I don't much enjoy reading his work, nevertheless I find this a really interesting and satisfying poem. I think any artist could relate. Or indeed any one of us struggling to reconcile and articulate survival, compromise, reach, internal struggles, regrets, hopes, successes, failures. Reality (what is that?) and heaven (perhaps that is reality).
'I'm the weak-eyed bat no sun should tempt
out of the grange whose four walls make his world.'
Monday, 4 December 2023
Bad Gigs
The wind howled in the chimney and the rain battered against the window-panes like a hail of buckshot. We were all - all being me, Geoffrey, Dave Nark, Tuppence and Alexa - sitting round the fire, chatting about old times, as you do on nights like that. I was not feeling all that terrific so was covertly chewing on an opium tabloid just to take the edge off. Others were enjoying a nice cup of tea and a ginger biscuit. Dave Nark was rolling himself a cigarette. Val doesn't allow him to smoke unless it's organic herbs so he comes round to ours to do it.
'What's the worst gig you've ever been to Alexa?' asked Tuppence.
'It was that night you played the Puff Inn and your Uncle Tuppy dropped his pint on the keyboard of your Moog and the electrics exploded and set the place on fire razing it to the ground. We were all evacuated on to the moors and it was dark and freezing and I'd left my jacket behind and I was desperate for the toilet but I didn't want to go outside because there were too many people about. I'm surprised you even had to ask.'
'Oh yes! All those stolen barrels of 100% proof brandy in Stormy's cellar went up like nitro-glycerine and flames shot out of the hole-end of the tunnels at the cliffs. It was quite a dramatic display. But to me, you see, that was a great end to a gig. You're never going to get that again.'
Dave lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply. 'I had some cracking gigs when I was the drummer with the Minds,' he began.
'More tea, anyone?' Geoffrey glanced at me in a significant manner. We didn't want Dave starting up about gigs with the Minds. It never ended well. He'd end up morose and ranting about Jim Kerr again.
'We're not talking about cracking gigs tonight Dave, OK? We're talking about bad ones. I have to say Bo Diddley was pretty crap. He arrived on stage five hours late. The support band played their set three times over and everyone was very drunk. Someone was sick into their shoes right in front of me.'
'What about Jack Bruce?' said Geoffrey. 'That was epically bad. We tried to get out but we couldn't manage to open the door. We thought we were locked in but thankfully it was only stiff. We escaped and went for chips. We needed the sustenance after that nightmare.'
'Dr John though Geoffrey. Remember?' I enthused. 'He was okay but the people dancing right in front of us waving their arms in a faux-artistic manner ruined the whole experience.'
'I hate artistic people,' said Tuppence. 'They're always annoying.'
'That's because you're a Nazi Tuppence,' said Dave. 'Don't bother to deny it, we all know. Personally, I like artists. I like to think I'm kind of an artist myself, with my wildlife vids.'
'Your wildlife vids are brilliant Dave,' said Alexa, patting Dave's knee. Dave blushed and looked pleased. Geoffrey and I exchanged looks. 'Brilliant' was going it a bit strong. Grey and fuzzy with strange unidentifiable sasquatch-like creatures roaming around in the dark with glaring eyes was more like it. But we wouldn't offend Dave by saying so.
Next time - Dave gets confused about Alexa patting his knee. Could she really be interested in an older man? or, was she just after a cleaning job in the yurts? It didn't occur to him that neither might be the case.
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Sandwich of the day - the jammie piece
Bread (I used the heel of a freshly bought loaf, which is generally OK for this type of thing) butter and jam. I used damson. Marmalade is also quite good on a piece. I'm with Paddington there.
I quite understand that this level of cuisine is beyond most people's capabilities but go on, have a go at it. You might surprise yourself.
Musical Memories
'Nobody wants to know about the Canterbury school of prog Tuppence. It's like from the dark ages,' said Val Nark, shaking the dregs of a goji berry and chia seed smoothie on to an 'own-made' gravel flapjack. 'You don't seem to realise your terrible taste in music is why your band-mates abandoned you. Well, partly, anyway. I'm sure your awful personality and penchant for random shootings didn't help. Life moves on. You need to up your game.'
'Oh really. Any ideas?'
'Maybe move into the 90s or something. What about doing some covers of the Verve or the Stone Roses?'
'I thought maybe Simple Minds?'
'The Minds were shit!' spluttered Val. Shards of gravel flapjack ricocheted off the window of Val's eco-cafe. 'For pity's sake. They were the 1980s anyway. Which was all totally shit. You really have no musical knowledge whatsoever.'
'They were indeed shit,' said Dave, as he fried a plant-based burger on the compressed-wood-dust-fired stove. 'And I should know. I was their first drummer, till I left through mutual agreement. Just before they got their recording contract.'
'You got fired then.'
'No. It was through mutual agreement, like I said. They said I was great but just not a good fit for them at that time. I'd be better off moving on and looking for something else that showed my talents off to the full.'
'No. They said they didn't actually need a drummer at that time and I'd only be bored with nothing to do.'
'No. They said I was perfect for the band and a great drummer, only not right now with them kind of thing. It was all good, I was fine with it. I was totally thrilled for them when they started having massive chart success. Ow!' Dave burned his fingers flipping the burger and adding a slice of vegan cheese-style topping. 'Shit. That's the finger I use to press 'record' when I'm doing my wildlife vids.'
'Let's face it they were a shower of bastards Dave,' said Val briskly. 'Dark days. But we moved on, didn't we? We coped. We thrived! I picked you up out of the gutter, and forced you to face the world again. And here we are! Living the good life on a croft-style place in Scotland, renting out yurts and selling eco-goods and putting wildlife vids online and stuff. If Jim Kerr ever turns up, he'll get the doing of his life.'
Next time - Jim Kerr turns up and gets the doing of his life
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Watching Toads is better than the Telly
Toad in the compost bin |
All I watch on TV is Walker Texas Ranger relentlessly roundhouse-kicking the crap out of wrong-doers in a ginger wig and the bizarre cheese-fest which is the Six Million Dollar Man. If there's a Gerard Butler film on after that I count myself lucky. Obviously I don't have a smart TV or Netflix - which is probably just as well for my health because if I did, I'd probably never get off the sofa again with the array of new films and fancy series available. Whereas the old channels only have a desperate load of recycled rubbish I'd have to be heavily sedated to watch.
A year or two back there were toads in our garden. They lived in the compost bin and hibernated underneath it (see photo, of toad emerging from hibernation). Now we have mainly frogs. I really miss opening the compost bin and being confronted by a large toad (see photo). They are extraordinary creatures, and far more interesting to watch than the telly.
Toad, emerging from hibernation |
Sunday, 26 November 2023
Haggis Bonbons
The coracle (kindly designed by BW Nicol) |
'Alexa's been spending a lot of time over at Tupfinder Towers lately,' said Geoffrey as he fried up our Sunday breakfast of sausages, black pudding, bacon, eggs, kidneys and festive haggis 'bon bons'. The bonbons were bought off the reduced shelf at Speedispend hypermarket and compulsory screening centre when we made a fleeting and probably ill-advised visit recently. As readers will know, we dislike Speedispend, but on this occasion we were desperate, because the Tunnels are currently empty, due to the foodbank comestibles having been moved to a 'safer location' (I can't imagine why they would feel the need to do that...). So, we got out the coracle and made the voyage over.
'Yes, and so has Tuppence. He's been upset about his band. They want to play decent gigs but all they can get are care homes and kiddie's birthday parties. That's why he's been drinking so much. He's depressed and humiliated and he's worried it's affecting his actual brain chemistry on a permanent basis. And no wonder. He wants to play Madison Square Garden but he's got Bide a Wee care facility instead.'
'It's a shame that Stormy won't allow him back into the Puff Inn. Those Friday night gigs were great. A few purple perils and Tuppence's rendition of Egg's 'A Visit to Newport Hospital'. Them were the days.'
'Yes. Indeed they were Geoffrey. But you can appreciated his position given that tine that Tuppence overloaded the electrics with his Moog and burned the place to the ground. The rats were problematic as well, to be fair.'
'Well if you will have rats rather than actual bandmates. You need to use a long spoon if you sup with the devil, and Tuppence clearly did not. By the way did you really say 'problematic'?'
'I think your bonbons are burning Geoffrey. I told you to put them in the pan last, they're much smaller than the other stuff and TAKE THEM OUT NOW YOU'RE RUINING THEM.'
Next time - Tuppence is convinced he can smell an old person before he sees them and wonders if he can monetise this startling new ability. Alexa continues to seek help from the star as she struggles with her existential and moral dilemmas
Saturday, 25 November 2023
Tune of the Day - Warren Zevon - My Shit's Fucked Up
Thursday, 23 November 2023
Hell on the Toilet
'I think I'm turning into one of these people who can't eat salad. It just makes the next day hell on the toilet. I just can't seem to wipe myself clean at all, even with Andrex Washlets, it just goes on and on. And on. You won't know about these things yet dear, you're much too young. You've got it all in front of you! or should I say, behind!' Mrs T-G grinned, and her false teeth 'bridge' fell out, revealing a solitary brown tooth to which it had been attached with a piece of chewing gum. 'Oops. Do help yourself to a black sausage roll and here's some of my special squash.'
Mrs T-G poured some of the plopping, steaming green liquid into a cracked ceramic mug, with 'World's Best Dad' emblazoned on the side. The mug split open and the squash splashed onto the wooden floor, immediately burning a hole in it.
'Oh. Well, it was a charity shop mug so no great loss. I'll fetch you another.' Mrs T-G clomped towards the spiral staircase. She turned at the first step, and said,' Perhaps the squash is a bit on the strong side. Perhaps I should add some more fluids. Toad milk might help with the acidity. I think I have some in the pantry.'
Alexa returned swiftly to the telescope. 'Well?' she asked, silently, as the star appeared. 'Do I help Mrs T-G with her beastly Kantian paradigm, and drink her beastly toad milk, or do I do more cleaning for Val beastly Nark? Or should I just run away perhaps. I don't want to be a slave to money till I die. I don't think I even want to go to uni. There has to be a better way to live, that doesn't involve entering a nunnery or some ghastly sandals and wholegrain communal living type situation. I can't face a lifetime of wage slavery. I just can't.'
The star twinkled sympathetically.
'I think you're the only one I can talk to and you're not even a person. You're a star and you're so far away you might not even exist any more. You might only be a ray of light. Life is so lonely sometimes.'
Next time - Alexa's boyfriend Tuppence has too much to drink and declares that he was once in the SAS, but nobody believes him. And Alexa has some major decisions to make.
Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Alexa consults the telescopic oracle
Alexa peered into the eyepiece. A bright star twinkled at her from somewhere deep in the vast Magellanic Cloud.
'Wow this is awesome. I feel like my entire body is going to be sucked right through the telescope towards the star eyeball first but it's prob'ly only my immortal soul or whatever. It kind of makes two weeks in Lanzarote seem very tame and pointless,' she thought. 'I wonder if I should bin my Onlyfans career...I don't like to admit it but I don't like it...wait is that star getting brighter? Yes it is...OK so this is kind of a celestial two blinks for yes, one blink for no kind of deal, which is totally fine. So, should I just not do Onlyfans? I'd never admit it out loud but it doesn't feel right. Imagine if Mr Stevens the dairy produce manager at Speedispend saw me. Or even the Tupfinder General! I can't bear the thought of that. Yes I think I should just bin it.'
The star twinkled even more brightly and seemed to dance a little.
'But if I bin it, I'd have to do even more hours as a cleaner. And I don't think I could hack that.'
The star faded disapprovingly.
'Or perhaps I could...'
The star brightened a little.
'Should I...?'
The star vanished.
Someone heavy-footed was climbing the spiral staircase. The door creaked open and Mrs Tupfinder General appeared carrying a tray of steaming black sausage rolls and a large jug of murky, bilious green liquid which plopped and bubbled and seemed to be producing some type of noxious gas.
'I thought you might like a refreshment. Consulting the telescope can be draining. By the way Alexa, I happen to be looking for someone to help me with some written work I'm doing. It's a monograph on the Kantian hermeneutic paradigm and its irruption through the symbolic order and I need someone who can work a computer and basically type the bastard out for me. Val Nark says you're quite reliable for a young person. Not that I pay any attention to what she says but I was wondering if you might be available? I will pay real cash money.'
Alexa stared at the blank spot where the star had been. 'Well?' she asked, silently and in trepidation...
Next time - Alexa and Mrs T-G engage in discussions about mirrors and the authentic self - plus, why the star cannot cope with Mrs T-G, and why cheese footballs are only ever available at Christmas time except at Home Bargains.
Monday, 20 November 2023
Roger Waters Mother The Wall Live at Berlin
Saturday, 18 November 2023
Just read - To the Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf)
This is such an amazing and wonderful book. Actually it's more of an immersive experience than a book. I didn't expect to enjoy it, I approached it with caution, but I loved it and am sure I'll read it again. I've now bought Mrs Dalloway and will read that next. I'm also concurrently reading Angela Garnett's Deceived by Kindness, about her life growing up in the strange world of the Bloomsbury set. It reads in a way very much like To the Lighthouse, and I am sure that Mrs Ramsay must have been based on Vanessa Bell.
I'm sure this must have been discussed and written about ad infinitum, but I rarely read forewords and introductions, I never read exegeses, because I don't want to know what some supposedly learned person says I SHOULD think about a book. I want to experience the book for myself, first hand, with no mental clutter.
Favourite quote from To the Lighthouse (regarding a witnessing of Mrs Ramsay's changing state of mind) 'something clear as the space which the clouds at last uncover -the little space of sky which sleeps beside the moon.'
What more can I say? I love it.