Showing posts with label the fulmars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the fulmars. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 April 2009

new neighbours are utter swine

We've got new neighbours. Two eco-style warriors have set up home in a yurt in the tourist car park. They're called Dave and Valerie Nark, and they want all of us to get our roofs and pipes lagged, and cavity walls insulated, or they'll do something terrible. They announced through a loudhailer that we're destroying our environment, and if we don't do as they say, they will spray the area with the deadly pig plague virus. That way, the environment will be free from our contamination and abuse.
Obviously this is a bit worrying, but we think if worst comes to worst, we can ask the dreaded Wilson to manufacture "vaccine" from the dead pig behind oven - yes, it's still there - we can't move it, it weighs a ton. We'll just have to leave it till it rots away completely.
We can't possibly get our walls etc. insulated - the Outcrop is "traditional-build" i.e. draughty and full of holes - it would be a case of rebuilding the entire place, and that is utterly unthinkable.
We're going to try and get Dave and Valerie along to a BBQ at the Fulmars, this weekend weather permitting - although they do have supercharged patio heaters, so weather doesn't really matter - to see if we can get them to mellow out a bit.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

we decide to resurrect the TTD

Geoffrey and I have decided we can't live without Fisher and Donaldson pies and cakes. Obviously Cherry Fulmar feels the same way - and by the look of Apsley's waistline, he does too.
So, as we sipped a glass of madeira while watching the sunset last evening, puffing steadily on our pipes and listening to the reassuring crackling of the fire, an idea popped into our heads - mine and Geoffrey's, that is. Viz., we think that if we can manage to resurrect the time travelling device - or TTD - it could prove most convenient for travelling back in time, just a week or two to when Fisher and Donaldson were still open Hereabouts. We could then pick up fudge doughnuts and steak pies whenever we felt like it. Another advantage popped into MY head - we could probably get away with not paying for them as well. But I kept that to myself - meantime.
Readers will remember that last summer Tuppence made the original TTD out old korn bif tins. It got powered up by sunlight reflecting on to the panels and causing a combustive reaction with the poofoo valves. We were then able to effect a rescue of all the sheep and other animals stranded on the hulks half way between Hereabouts and Over there. After that, we had to invent a milking device...but readers will have to go back and consult previous posts for use thereof, diagrams etc.etc.
ANYWAY - word from the Puff Inn tells me that there's an abandoned camper van up in the tourist car park - quite an eyesore and it needs to be removed anyway - Geoff and I reckon we could fix it up into a new and improved TTD. We wouldn't even need the poofoo valves - we could power it up using the Fulmar's generator.
That's if we can be bothered of course!!

Saturday 7 March 2009

moog-generator-Fulmar's-cable-style problem

Well, we haven't quite solved the "moog-cable-Fulmar's generator" problem, but almost. I suppose this is what some might say is the "cup-half-full-cup-half-empty" paradigm - but not me. I don't like these "either or" things. I'm more a "shades of grey" person. Tuppence always despised me for it and used to tell me that I'm criminally lacking in moral fibre. I suppose he could be right, but moral fibre-style decision-making seems to require such a lot of brain effort, and frankly I can't be bothered. Perhaps some people know immediately what's right or wrong, but not me. I'd rather blow with the prevailing wind. It can lead me into some difficult, perhaps morally compromising situations, but I can generally winkle my way out of them by flattery, bribery, cheating and/or fibbing. Why not! After all I've had lots of practice! and it's done me no harm! Mind you I was voted "least popular" in the solstice poll last year (see previous posts) and have been ostracised by the local community on several occasions...perhaps people are trying to tell me something? but personally, I believe that the poll results say more about the harsh and judgmental nature of those voting rather than those voted for or against i.e. me...anyway, personally I think the "truth" is pretty elastic in nature. Why make life harder by sticking to it, specially when no-one really knows what it is. Least of all me.
Anyway I'm rambling too much. Back to the moog problem. Apsley managed to track down the tape recorder, and managed to neutralise it by snipping through the tape with a pair of nail scissors. The cable connecting it to the Fulmar's generator was unfortunately concreted in to the cave wall, and the recorder was jammed right up against said wall, also concreted in, so it wasn't possible to cut the cable as we'd planned. We're going to have to go back tonight with some gelignite to blow the thing off. It's the only possible solution. The Tupfinder's got "jelly", fuses, the lot, so it shouldn't be a problem...

Tuesday 24 February 2009

kill two birds with one stone

Kill two birds with one stone, somebody once said. Well, I don't know about two, but I think I can be fairly certain that ONE bird is sailing pretty close to the wind.
Geoffrey's obsessive anxiety about his waistline has driven him clean out of his mind - well, that's just my opinion, going by his behaviour.
What happened is this. We had a meeting - me, Geoffrey, the Tupfinder general, and the Fulmars - to discuss what to do about Tuppence's persistent draining of the Fulmar's electric system. Not to mention the racket. We decided after some heated argey bargey that flooding the tunnels with raw sewage was not a great idea. For one thing, Wilson still inhabits a cave in the cliffs, and he would be none too pleased if any of the effluent contaminated his living quarters - which it would - especially if I was directing the flow. ( see previous posts re. my hatred of Wilson)
During the discussion I'd noticed that Geoffrey was becoming increasingly agitated and I was amazed when he refused a top up of madeira. He was clearly very out of sorts. Eventually he sprang to his feet and declared "I will kill two birds with one stone" and flew out of the window immediately.
Apsley and Cherry were alarmed, thinking that he was referring to them, but nevertheless flew after him, and reported later that they'd seen him fly into the tunnel entrance at the old coastguard hut - Tuppence's hideout - word later reached us that in what seems to be a desperate attempt to lose weight he's since been cycling hell for leather on one of the rats exercise bikes (previously used to power up the moog at the lunchtime gig at the Puff Inn some weeks ago) and Tuppence has taken advantage and connected it up to the moog. This means that the Fulmars are no longer having their electrics drained, so obviates the raw sewage option, but we are still left with the problem of the racket.
Not to mention Geoffrey's mental and physical health - he's been cycling without a break for days, and the sweat is lashing off him - we're very concerned indeed.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Tuppence's hideout

Tuppence has been rehearsing in the tunnels again - the old coastguard hut (see above) looks really small, but the tunnels underneath are vast, labyrinthine and cavernous, so he has plenty of room to create utter havoc with his moog. The rats flatly refused to use the bikes to power it up, so Tuppence ingeniously managed to tap into the Fulmars electric generator (see previous posts) and syphon off some of the supply. This obviously leaves them short, and their security lights keep flickering. The Fulmars are definitely getting the worst of it - on top of the electric problem, with the old rectory being on the cliffs, the noise is causing them sleepless nights and it's all been getting a bit on top of them this past week.
Something will have to be done - we've had our differences with Apsley and Cherry over the years, especially over their security lights ( see previous posts) but the racket from the tunnels is horrendous and we're all very sympathetic to their current plight - the Tupfinder's all for setting up a task force to root Tuppence out of his lair, but that could prove difficult, given the enormity of the tunnel system.
Apsley suggested using the sewage system somehow - as readers might remember, it caused a bit of a mess when raw sewage was accidentally pumped through the Fulmar's jakoosy (see previous posts) - it might just be possible to flood the tunnels with sufficient effluent to flush Tuppence out. HOWEVER - downside is, that the stocks of madeira and korn bif would be at serious risk of spoilage.
We're going to mull the whole thing over this evening, over a glass or two of madeira.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

grim reaper reveals a musical side

I'd been wondering what had happened to the old grim reaper (see previous posts - quite recent for a change actually) - it seemed a bit unlikely that someone who'd been dispatching people since the dawn of time would be scared off for good by the Tupfinder waving a pitchfork and shouting "Begone, begone."
And unlikely it is. Word from the Puff Inn tells me that he's gone nowhere - he's been lurking around in the shadows like the proverbial bad smell, leaning on his scythe and looking grim without so much as a by your leave. "Waiting..." as he puts it.
What's on his mind? well, apart from the usual, music for one thing. If you can call it that - I wouldn't, but for obvious reasons won't be sharing my views with the Reaper. Anyway, Tuppence has formed a band - supposedly prog rock - and Stormy Petrel has agreed to give them a gig this Sunday lunchtime at the Puff Inn. He isn't taking much of a risk, as it's usually dead in there at that time - will be even deader this Sunday, what with the Reaper playing musical scythe in Tuppence's band. Line up - provisional - seems to be as follows: Tuppence - Moog synthesizer and lead vocals; Mr Spockfingers - backing vocals (??!); Grim Reaper - musical scythe; Dr "I hate him" Wilson - the glass (rubbing a wet finger round the rim to make a humming/squeaking noise); a rat - biscuit tin lids (percussion).
Only problem is, the Moog will need to be plugged in, and as readers will know, the only folk with leccy Hereabouts are Apsley and Cherry Fulmar - and we all know what trouble Geoffrey and I caused when we accidentally cut through their generator cable. (see previous posts - if you can be bothered - it was ages ago)
Anyway, Stormy's working on it.

Friday 23 January 2009

Geoffrey in a coma

Dreadful news - I've had a terrible week. On Monday, as I think I mentioned, Geoffrey was out scouring the bins for crisps, in preparation for the Tupfinder's visit. He happened to swoop by the Fulmar's place mid-evening, and his eye fell upon their 62 inch LCD telly - the one we watched at Christmas when we were invited round. Anyway, I was aware that Geoffrey coveted a telly like that - but I'd no idea, not the remotest, how badly it was affecting him and seizing hold of his brain. We haven't got a telly at all, of course, and have to make our own entertainment - and readers will know only too well what nightmarish scenes THAT can lead to - see previous posts if you don't believe me.
What happened is this. Geoffrey could not control himself when passing the Fulmars, and simply had to stop, alight on their decking and watch the telly through the enormous French windows. The programme which was on, was something called "Celebrity Big Brother", and it was so mind-numbingly dull, that Geoffrey fell immediately into a deep coma. And that's where he's stayed, ever since. Razor Bill the postman found him comatose and flat out early the next morning - well, eleven o'clock.
He was taken back here to the Rocky Outcrop, where I've been nursing him round the clock.
Oh! he's coming back to us! I must fetch the medical case.

Wednesday 24 December 2008

Well, the weather's calmed down a bit and so have I, now that the immediate threat to my person has passed. This is because I managed to survive Solstice night. According to custom Hereabouts, if a person gets through the night without being seized, then the sentence is null and void, and life goes on as normal. Normal! how can I live a normal life, knowing that the entire community has voted me least popular person? I suppose I just have to count my blessings, and appreciate good friends like Geoffrey. Nevertheless, I shall always be wondering what is really going on behind the mask of civility.
Geoffrey and I have sent off our letters to Sanity Claws. He usually pays us a visit Christmas Eve, but he's a strange character and one can never be sure quite what to expect. He doesn't bother trying to squeeze himself down chimneys these days, and just thumps on the door shouting "I'm gagging on a madeira" or some such, then barges in and flings himself on the settee in a melodramatic fashion. I wouldn't mind, but more often than not he gets all the presents mixed up, or fails to bring anything at all - we're last on his list, Hereabouts, so we often end up receiving the oddest conglomeration of items. Sanity says the rest of the leftover stuff goes on Ebay.
Anyway, we'll see what this evening brings. Geoffrey and I will be relaxing by the fire before the rigours of the forthcoming social whirl - Fulmars tomorrow, Tupfinders on Boxing Day.

Thursday 18 December 2008

spockfingers enigma

"O-o-o-o-o-h holey na-a-aaa-a-aaaa-ah-h-h-ht, the stars aa-ahrr sweetleee-e shi-i-inin'..tis the na-a-a-a-a-ah-h-h-h-ht uv wur deer sayvyur's burf...."

Or something like that. Anyway Spockfingers is giving it - as they say - laldy. Again. He will be joining us for the festivities, along with his alter ego, Burnsey. Perhaps we'll finally discover the truth - are Burnsey and Mr Spockfingers one and the same?

I'd intended buying Geoffrey's stocking fillers today, but the weather is atrocious - high winds and sleety rain. I won't venture out in that, and might have to resort to making something for him from bits and pieces. I can't rely on the monkey nuts this year - he'd never forgive me. I suppose I'd better get something for the Tupfinder generals, and the Fulmars, but can't for the life of me think what. I've also still to write my own letter to Sanity Claws, and it's getting awfully late. I must say things won't be the same without Tuppence being here. No doubt he'll be celebrating in the moral cess-pool of the Infra Inn, along with the rats. I just hope that he doesn't turn up here in a bad mood...

Wednesday 17 December 2008

solstice slump

Geoffrey and I are feeling under the weather at the moment. We think it's probably the annual "solstice slump", so are administering the usual remedies to each other i.e. Fisher and Donaldson steak pies and regular ingestion of Duke of Clarence-style madeira, industrial strength.
The Tupfinder generals are having open house on Boxing Day, so goodness knows who might turn up. Geoffrey and I are going of course - wouldn't miss out on free grub, despite Mrs T-G's sausage rolls leaving a lot to be desired. I think I'll take the muskets the Tupfinder lent me, just in case Tuppence arrives mob-handed. Always best to prepare for the worst.
On Christmas Day we've been invited to a slap up lunch/BBQ at the Fulmars. Again, we won't turn down free food, but we do have doubts as to how our digestions will cope, and are stocking up on bisodal. Menu is to include deep fried turkey and chipolatas with BBQ sos, and Xmas pud. flambeed in meths.
On Christmas Eve, Geoffrey and I plan to have the evening entirely to ourselves, sitting in our customary and beloved shabby armchairs at either side of the fire, at the rocky outcrop. We'll be preparing stockings for each other. Last year, Geoffrey was disgusted with me because I'd bulked out his stocking with some stale monkey nuts and a dried up satsuma - I did get him a Cliff Richard CD as well, and a pair of bed socks - but the monkey nuts and satsuma have rankled and he's not properly forgiven me. So, I have to think of something better this year. It's easy for him - my stocking is for some reason, half the size of his. So, a packet of wotsits and a handful of Quality Street and it's practically full up.
But before then, there is the main event of the year, which is the winter solstice, at which time fires are lit all along the cliffs and everyone makes merry. It's also the time when, traditionally Hereabouts, we throw people we don't like "over the top" (see previous posts). It goes like this. There is a secret ballot, and everyone votes for the person they like least. The Tupfinder general collates the votes. No-one knows who the most disliked person Hereabouts is - sometimes Stormy Petrel opens a book on it, and last year, Dr Wilson was favourite to go, and go he did, though not quite as or when expected - (see previous posts) ANYWAY - the Tupfinder hog-ties whoever the unfortunate person is, and does the deed - i.e. chucks them over the cliffs.
I'm not sure if that is going to happen this year. No-one has mentioned it - at least, not in my presence...I tried to discuss the subject when we were at the Puff Inn recently, but everyone avoided my eye and began talking about something else...what can it mean?

Sunday 14 December 2008

sa-a-a-aa-yah-ah-lint na-a-a-aht, ho-o-o-o-ley na-aa-a-ht

"slee-ee-e-e-e-e-ee-e-e--epin' in he-ee-vvinleeeeee-e-ee-e- pe-e-e-ee-e-e-YEEEECE...sle-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-pin' in hevvinleee peeeeeeeeece.."
So sings Mr Spockfingers, unfortunately. He's as tuneless as ever. How did I cope, when we were trapped in the belly of the whale together, for a fortnight? I can only imagine that it's because I'm such a tolerant and resourceful person - easy going, and modest with it...but oh dear! what am I saying? Geoffrey insists I've not to boast. I must say however that Spockfingers' wind problem has settled down a bit - so I'm thankful for small mercies. Mind you, he did create my escape route from belly of said whale - albeit unwittingly....(see previous posts - sorry about this).. by letting rip an almighty - but I'm forgetting myself again.
We had a "lovely" evening at the Fulmars last night, watching the X factor final. Spockfingers got very emotional. He went through two rolls of Apsley and Cherry's "Bounty" thirst pockets kitchen roll. Geoffrey kindly contributed several packets of doritos he'd picked up at the tourist car park - not too soft, either, although most had been opened. The Tupfinder brought some sausage rolls, charcoal flavour, baked by Mrs T-G - Mrs T-G never leaves Tupfinder Towers, so obviously did not accompany him, and we appreciated her gesture. I brought a cherry madeira - well, what was left of it.
We thought we would be spared a BarBQ due to time of year - but no, Apsley had a massive gas burning stove all set up on the decking outside the conservatory right next to an enormous Christmas tree - see photo - so once again we had to endure the korn bif and pineapple kebabs with a salad cream coulis.
After the show was over we all headed for the Puff Inn. Stormy had a new batch of madeira just delivered. Apparently, the tunnels are back in use. Word is, that Tuppence is now head honcho of the Other End of the smuggling operation - he's taken over from the rats. The Tupfinder is worried about what he might get up to next.
"Smuggling madeira is one thing, Tuppy, " he confided," but cold blooded murder...that's quite another!"
I gulped. Murder? Whatever next?

Saturday 13 December 2008

geoffrey saves my bacon, and a party is on the cards

You'll never guess - Geoffrey's back! I can barely contain my emotion - and why bother? I'm not ashamed! Geoffrey's been my closest friend for many years, and our recent falling-out distressed me terribly. I'm more than relieved that he has managed to put the episode of Captain Scott' s last biscuit well and truly behind him.
He arrived at the rocky outcrop last evening, at a very opportune moment might I add - just as the Tupfinder was getting a bit over-heated about the Meerschaum pipe, and I could practically smell the lighter fuel. Next thing he'd have been tying me to one of the kitchen chairs and dipping me in the nearest pond - not that we've got a pond hereabouts - it would need to be the sea - and I've been dipped in there more than enough, in recent weeks (see previous posts ad infinitum) - ANYWAY - just as he was fingering his lighter and casting an eye around for brushwood, there was a tippity-tap at the window, and there was Geoffrey, my old mate!
He really saved my bacon - or should that be, mutton? because he immediately explained to the Tupfinder that the person responsible for raiding the secret room (see previous posts again I'm afraid - far too complicated as usual) and removing the service revolver, the skeleton keys, AND the Meerschaum pipe, was Tuppence, not me. The Tupfinder was happy to accept this explanation and we all sat together round the fire, relieved, and enjoyed another glass or two of madeira.
Since I last saw him, Geoffrey has been in between Hereabouts and...Over there, keeping a weather eye on Tuppence. Tuppence has apparently got in with a bad lot and has been hanging about the Infra Inn, which as readers will know (if not, see previous posts and gazetteer on right) is half way between Hereabouts and... Over there. Right slap bang in the middle of the dodgy time zone, in fact. He's been indulging in the Purple Peril, a notorious beverage which is now banned from our local hostelry the Puff Inn for health and safety reasons- or so mine host Stormy Petrel maintains - mind you that kind of thing doesn't usually trouble him, and some say they just ran out of meths - ANYWAY, word about Tuppence is that he's generally going to the dogs. Which is not a good thing, for a lamb.

Our next task is to rescue Tuppence from himself. Meanwhile, we've been invited to yet another soiree at the Fulmars - it's the X factor final tonight, and we've all been invited along to watch it on their 62 inch telly - I might have to find some sunglasses not to mention earplugs, but I'm sure a glass or two of madeira will blur the edges nicely.